Do I have to pay attorney’s fee to my landlord?

I couldn’t pay rent this month but I finally got enough money to pay it and the late fees. But my apartment landlord stated that they won’t accept the payment cuz it got pushed to court and that I need to pay an extra $375 for the attorney fee before they will take my payment. I live in an apartment in Ohio and it’s a section 8. I was just wondering if I should pay the fee? I have the money but I don’t want to because it can very well go towards my rent for next month. I’ll be dirt broke if I have to pay it. I have limited work hours and am trying to find another job but with no avail. I read somewhere that section 8 housing is government funded which means that what the rent is stated on the lease is what it is and no matter what the lease says about attorney fee or not they can’t evict me if I have rent money but can’t pay the attorney fee. Is this true in Ohio? Also, what can I do to make them show me proof that there is such an attorney and fee if I do have to pay?
Unfortunately I don’t need answers saying “you don’t get special treatment” or “why don’t you have money to pay”. If you read carefully I state my hours a work were cut and I am havig a hard time finding a second job because of the economy. Also I’m not looking for special treatment I just wanted to understand the laws of rent and real estate better. I am avoiding to pay the fee because I don’t want to not have money for rent next month if I still can’t find a second job. So anyone with anything else negative to say I don’t need to hear it. I got my answers from the nice people here who are helpful and actually answer questions not read poorly and criticize.
P.S I am not putting screws in the people who trusted me to sign the contract. The economic situation hasn’t improved and I’ve actually lost job hours and can’t find another job quick enough. Everybody will fall on hard times it’s not like I didn’t pay my rent in advance before. I’m struggling, not conning people.

Posted in Landlord Tenant Law.

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