I rcvd a letter saying the house I rent was sold to foreclosure – I must vacate – my landlord denies?

I received a letter a saying the house I rent may be sold to forclosure on 09/01/09. I called the attorney listed in the letter on 09/08 and was told the property was sold.

I have a new letter stating the property was sold and I would need to vacate the property. Since I am renting, I have 90 days to vacate if I can provide copy of my lease.

I contacted my landlord, he denies everything. Says he know nothing about the letter, nothing about foreclosure. I also received a visit from another individual who says they are on the original loan and came by the see who is occupying the property. I know he was unsure about some things because he was fishing for information.

Do I believe the landlord or the attorney, how do I double check to see what is what?

Posted in Landlord Tenant Law.

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