Never given a three day notice…?

I was served an unlawful detainer today. The problem is I never received a three notice from my landlord. Here in my paperwork it states that they served me one on March 12th by taping it on the door and mailing. I never received either and I was home. Clearly they are lying and saying they served me when in fact they did not. I’ve been looking this up online and it is illegal to do this and they cannot file eviction forms unless they have formally served me and they have not. I have five days to respond and set a court date to appear in front of the judge and plead my case.

How can I prove they did not serve me. They had served me once back in January and I paid my rent. They did not serve me with a notice in March as they state.
I have five days to respond to this summons. It does not have a court date listed. I assume once I respond to the papers a court date will be set. They have a “copy” attached to my summons saying they served me a THREE DAY NOTICE on March 12th which in fact is NOT TRUE. They never mailed one as they state, and they never posted one on my door, as they state.
My question is can they legally serve me papers w/o ever serving me the three day notice?

Posted in Landlord Tenant Law.

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