Landlord-tenant and eviction law has been completely overhauled. New laws at every level impact the rights of landlords and tenants and the eviction process. Most of the changes are permanent.

Washington state law guarantees tenants the right to free legal counsel and requires just cause to terminate any residential tenancy.

Residential landlords may no longer evict based on a "20-day" notice. To end the tenancy because the lease expired requires a notice served at least 60 days prior to the end of the lease term, and is not always an option. If all authorized tenants vacate, residential landlords must offer other occupants (even if unauthorized) who have been living in the property for at least six months a chance to apply to join the rental agreement.

There is a litany of new local landlord-tenant and eviction laws throughout Washington. In both Tacoma and Seattle, residential landlords have to contend with a winter eviction ban and a school-year eviction ban. Laws in many localities require additional language on notices and/or additional documents to be served with notices. A landlord must comply with local laws at the city and county levels and with court rules in each county. Interpretation of state and federal laws varies in fundamental ways from county to county.

Local know-how is more important than ever when considering a landlord-tenant attorney.

This website is published by an eviction lawyer who practices in various Washington counties. There is also a lawyer directory where you may find an attorney near you in counties we do not cover. We are not affiliated with any of the attorneys in the directory nor do we accept anything of value for listings in the directory.

Any information on this website, including but not limited to any forms posted, is not a substitute for legal advice. It is always best to consult with a lawyer before taking any action.


I am getting claim forms for unemployment but not the checks when i call they say it’s been mailed.?

Who knows a supervisor or some one i can call. I am in Florida and can not go to the unemployment office in California. Please help. I just got a three (3) day eviction notice to get out of my apartment for not paying the rent. I need help…….

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Letter from landlord’s attorney saying that I’m violating my lease by subleasing. Pls. give advice?

My fiancee moved in w/me to cut down the expense of our wedding which we intend to stay in the apartment until we find something bigger. I notified the landlord via letter to be placed in my rental file as stated in the month to month lease agreement. Now she is trying to have us […]

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Eviction notice question?

Im a new lanlord and need to evict my current tenants for non payment but im new to this as i said, and i need some assistance in writing a ” eviction notice ” how should i word it and what should be included? I dont have a c.c to order any forms online.. I […]

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Landlord/tennant ? for attorney! re: ‘Is my Lease Legal’?

OK, I have my original 12 month lease and then I re-signed another 12 month lease, which I am 1/2 thru now. I recently discovered that the original lease said ‘LANDLORD’ pays all gas/electric/water, when I have been paying it to the tune of about $3,850, for the last 18 months. ****NOTE/FYI: I live in […]

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Constructive Eviction?

I was recently and occupant in a place that I moved out of. I live with one other occupant and a tenant and we all paid the land lord. Now on the actual lease, I am an occupant and it says the tenant has the following obligations: (i) pay the cost off utility services at […]

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In Florida, 10 days ago we were served with a 3 day notice. Heard nothing, is there still an eviction?

Having a tough time financially. I know after the 3 day they serve a 5-day telling us of the eviction process, but I’m wondering since we havn’t heard anything right after the 3 day if that means they ar’nt following through.

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I am a Texas Residential landlord, tenant has pet and is not paying pet deposit: 3 day or 30 day Notice?

I have a Residential Hud Tenant whose security deposit was pro-rated and she has not paid AND she has a dog and has not paid a pet deposit. I want to serve her with an eviction notice: what form do I use..”Notice to Vacate” – 3 day notice or a 30 day notice? These items […]

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which forms do i need? sue police and apartment?

A friend of mine doesnt know which forms to get. is this the right site ? ??? he wants to sue his old apartment complexe over an eviction (over $5,000) and also wants to sue the l.a police for over $5,000 IM NOT SURE IF ITS SMALL CLAIMS OR WHAT?

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