Landlord-tenant and eviction law has been completely overhauled. New laws at every level impact the rights of landlords and tenants and the eviction process. Most of the changes are permanent.

Washington state law guarantees tenants the right to free legal counsel and requires just cause to terminate any residential tenancy.

Residential landlords may no longer evict based on a "20-day" notice. To end the tenancy because the lease expired requires a notice served at least 60 days prior to the end of the lease term, and is not always an option. If all authorized tenants vacate, residential landlords must offer other occupants (even if unauthorized) who have been living in the property for at least six months a chance to apply to join the rental agreement.

There is a litany of new local landlord-tenant and eviction laws throughout Washington. In both Tacoma and Seattle, residential landlords have to contend with a winter eviction ban and a school-year eviction ban. Laws in many localities require additional language on notices and/or additional documents to be served with notices. A landlord must comply with local laws at the city and county levels and with court rules in each county. Interpretation of state and federal laws varies in fundamental ways from county to county.

Local know-how is more important than ever when considering a landlord-tenant attorney.

This website is published by an eviction lawyer who practices in various Washington counties. There is also a lawyer directory where you may find an attorney near you in counties we do not cover. We are not affiliated with any of the attorneys in the directory nor do we accept anything of value for listings in the directory.

Any information on this website, including but not limited to any forms posted, is not a substitute for legal advice. It is always best to consult with a lawyer before taking any action.


why would collection attorney contact my mother in law who also is my landlord about a judgement against me in?

they contacted her by mail with questions such as how much my rent is and how i pay it.Also listed the amount of debt i owed and told her she could face arrest if she didn’t comply with answering their letter and submitting it in 10 days

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Eviction in Florida how long does this take?

what is the process in florida to evict on a verbal agreement. the understanding was the renter and the landlord are friends for 40yrs and the renter was told his payment will be used towards the payment of the house and down the road the renter would be purchasing the property, then comes to find […]

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Do I have to pay attorney’s fee to my landlord?

I couldn’t pay rent this month but I finally got enough money to pay it and the late fees. But my apartment landlord stated that they won’t accept the payment cuz it got pushed to court and that I need to pay an extra $375 for the attorney fee before they will take my payment. […]

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What do I need for my eviction hearing?

I am the landlord, I am going to the courthouse to file an eviction notice on my tenant. I would like to know EXACTLY what I will need to bring to the actual court hearing. This is the situation, this is not a normal circumstance: Ther person renting is someone who is a friend of […]

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Need Eviction Attorney for Cranston / Providence Rhode Island?

I am searching for a good landlord attorney! I need a lawyer who specisalizes in residential evictions in the area. flat rate or very reasonably by the procedure/motion/action/apearance,…..NOT BY THE HOUR. If anyone knows of someone please respond. Thanks.

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can I sign a eviction hold off agreement?

this month im going to be late for my rent i get paid on the 11th of feb rent is due on the 3rd of every month. Before landlord files an eviction and worse things can I sign a eviction hold off agreement form? does every apartment in texas have the right to do that? […]

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how long does an eviction in florida take?

how long does the process typically take for florida renters? my friend just got a 5-day notice towards the end of the second month but they say they know people who got evicted after 3 months. they’re unemployed and dont have anywhere to go. time is all they can depend on right now. any helpful […]

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Complicated question for an attorney re: civil suit against former landlord who filed for bankruptcy?

I had a 3 year lease, my landlord lived out-of-state, he stopped paying the mortgage on the house I rented, used my rent money to pay on his home in TX and filed for bankruptcy when the IL house I was renting went into foreclosure. I sent him notice that I was moving out in […]

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