Buk – I have reached my answering limit for the day, but I cannot let your last question go unanswered?

I consider myself somewhat of a scientist as well. My landlord came to me the other day and told me that I would have to get rid of all of the scientific experiments that I grow in my kitchen. When I tried to explain to him that I could not just throw them out, he started shouting some jibberish about “eviction” and “condemmed” and “board of health” and “change the locks”. I just tuned him out and am hoping that if I just ignore it, the whole situation will just go away. So, yes, I feel your pain. We scientists must form a united front and not let the non-scientists of the world bring us down with such intimidation tactics.
Laura Palmer: Mark my word, when I win the Nobel Prize, I’m using the money to buy this damn tenement so I can fire him and grow my experiments in peace.
Oh Buk, you’ve come to the right place. I have been stockpiling government cheese for the past 11 years. I ran out of room in my refrigerator (those experiments take a lot of space) about 10 years ago so I’ve been keeping it in the hall closet ever since. You can have as much as you like.
Undercovernudist (I can’t recall ever typing that word before): You can start by emailing me your credentials. If they pass inspection, I will have you sent originals of your birth certificate and social security card as well as a vial of your blood. If you make it past this round of the “interview” process, you will have to pass government clearance, you know the usual. After that, I’ll interview you for the position of my dog walker. If you’ve proven yourself after a year, I may interview you for the position. Thanks for your interest!!

cnataw: Buk gets first priority and I hear he’s hungry. He may drop some crumbs and those, my friend, are all you!

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