do i have to show up in court for this ?

my husband and i have a home in another state and over the past weekend we had to go and clean our house out to rent it again due to an eviction. while there, the former tenant came to a neighbors and started a fight with my husband and i cussing and threats came from her until it progressed to her shoving my husband, spitting on him and trying to hit him. all this happened after i threatened to call cops if she didn’t leave. we called the cops out because of her actions and my husband decided to file charges against her and my neighbor and i had to fill out a witness form. the police said later that we’d have to show up in court possibly next month for the charges. is this true that we definitely have to show up and if so when do they subpoena us or summons us to court after it was filed. this all happened around 1 p.m. on saturday and we havent received anything yet.

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