Finding an apartment?

I had an apartment and when i was layed off in december my unemployment checks were not enough to pay rent. I told my situation to my landlord, and also managed to find a job by the end of February and explained to them when i could pay them. The eviction process had already been started but they said they would work with me on paying them back but they wanted all the money in one shot or none of it at all. i came home 3 days later and found a 24hour eviction notice. i need to find another place but i dont think anyone will rent to me with an eviction on my record. Will my only option to get a place be to live in a bad, rundown area or can i find a decent place?? I live in Florida, if that helps…
I was able to pay rent in december and january. I couldnt for feb. march. i was evicted april 3rd i believe.

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