What are the laws/rights concerning legal adults (that do not pay rent) living with their parents?

If the person is over the age of 18, graduated from High School and is not paying rent, what are their rights and what are the rights of the owner of the residence (parent) as it pertains to the eviction of the child. What happens to their property if the parents decide to kick the child out. I am asking for U.S. Law. More specifically, North Carolina. The situation does not involve anything like theft, violence or disturbances made by the adult-child, simply there eviction. Also, the person in question, although not paying rent, is marked as a dependent on the parent’s taxes. I assume dependents carry certain rights a non-dependent would.

I am not asking for “I think so”s or “Well, I’m guessing”s because I already know how to form theories. If anyone happens to have the knowledge concerning this topic of any place or country, or know where I can find this information, please comment.
I’d also like to know the law/rights pertaining to the property of the child; clothes, books, etc. Does the parent have the legal right to kick the child out and keep their stuff? Can they legally throw out their belongings? I’d also appreciate it if opinions and negative comments were left out of the “Answers”. This question is for my friend, not me, so any negative remarks will be wasted because I’m not going to tell him what you said if it’s just an opinion.

Posted in Landlord Tenant Law.

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